Worth A Look

Great Right North

Reports last week that the recession is draining Social Security and Medicare funds were just one more reminder that the United States needs to fix its finances. For inspiration, why not look to Canada? Over the past few years, while U.S. politicians presided over huge increases in spending and debt, the Canadian government tightened its belt, slashed tax rates and balanced budgets.

Soak The Rich, Lose The Rich

States aren’t simply competing with each other. As Texas Gov. Rick Perry recently told us, “Our state is competing with Germany, France, Japan and China for business. We’d better have a pro-growth tax system or those American jobs will be out-sourced.”

On Guns And Climate, The Elites Are Out Of Touch

The liberal elite is less interested in giving up its luxuries (Al Gore purchases carbon offsets to compensate for his huge mansion and private jet travel) than in changing the lifestyles of the masses who selfishly insist on living in suburbs and keeping guns for recreation or protection. Ordinary Americans are seen not as responsible fellow citizens building stable communities but as greedy masses who must be disciplined to live according to the elite’s religious dogmas.

Featured News

The Sin of CO2

In a couple of hundred years, historians will be comparing the frenzies over our supposed human contribution to global warming to the tumults at the latter end of the 10th century as the Christian millennium approached. Then, as now, the doomsters identified human...

The Rock Takes Ice Crisis in Stride

Newfoundlanders are crying, laughing and carrying on while the rest of the country frets about more than 100 vessels stuck in the ice off the province's northern shore, says veteran fisherman Jack Troake. It is common that boats would become lodged between ice pans...

Why So Gloomy?

Judging from the media in recent months, the debate over global warming is now over. There has been a net warming of the earth over the last century and a half, and our greenhouse gas emissions are contributing at some level. Both of these statements are almost...

Global Warming? Do the Math

“UN Report Proves Canada Must Act Now On Climate Change,” trumpeted the headline of a Liberal party press release on Friday, timed to correspond with the release of yet another alarmist UN summary on climate change. “Canada must act aggressively now to avert the...