Crown Corporations

Don’t Be Fooled by High-Speed Rail

Don’t Be Fooled by High-Speed Rail

The Canadian government is considering spending $6 billion to $12 billion to introduce what it calls “high-frequency trains” between Toronto and Quebec City. Though some media reports have described these as high-speed trains (which generally means trains capable of...

Invest in Roads Not Transit

Invest in Roads Not Transit

The jury is still out in Winnipeg: should governments be spending money on roads or more public transit? Well, a new policy brief from the Frontier Centre show that the sooner governments abandon their bias against cars the better. A recent University of Toronto paper...

Featured News

NDP Needs PUB on Manitoba Hydro

NDP Needs PUB on Manitoba Hydro

Manitoba Hydro’s President and CEO Jay Grewal spoke on January 30 to members of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, and shared the utility’s plans to meet Manitoba’s future energy needs. They include a search for more purchased power from private entities (which would...