Worth A Look

In The EU, Attempts To Blame The Market Should Be Resolutely Rejected

“Looking for ways out, we should — to use an analogy — strictly differentiate between fighting the fire and drafting fire protection legislation. A big increase in financial regulation, as is being proposed so often these days, will only prolong the recession. Growth in the global economy is falling rapidly, the banks have ceased to grant credit and confidence is ebbing. Radically changing regulation governing financial institutions in the midst of recession is counterproductive.”

Why Canada Needs A Balanced Budget

This past overspending hampers the ability for current governments to respond nimbly to economic challenges like those faced today. That is why, in its budget, the federal government should be careful to establish a fruitful and competitive economic climate for tomorrow. Growing the size and cost of government with deficit spending won’t accomplish this.

Political Storm Clouds Still There

Both Harper and Igtnatieff are play-acting. If Ignatieff saw a reasonable chance the defeat of the government would result in him being called upon to form a government without an election being called, he would seize the opportunity. The notion that Harper is willing to govern at the sufferance of the Liberals and NDP can be held only by those who understand neither government nor Parliament. To give the opposition a veto power or to implement only proposals acceptable to them is an abdication, rather than the exercise, of power.

Featured News

Manitoba Needs to Up its Mining Game

There is some good news for mining in Manitoba, but the province needs to reform its mining policies for the sector to thrive.  Despite some progress over the years, this province still has a hostile climate for investment and this needs to change.  Vale recently...

Global Warming: Some Inconvenient Glaciers

Al Gore says the world’s glaciers are melting because humanity has emitted too much CO2. However, a new peer-reviewed study shows that in South America‘s Andes Mountains the glaciers’ advances and retreats have not been governed by CO2, but by small variations in the...

Wheat Board Monopoly Unjustified:

Last week, federal Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl suggested there was increasing support for taking away the Canadian Wheat Board's monopoly over prairie wheat and barley sales, for letting grain growers choose whether to sell their grain to the federal government...