Big Topics & Big Ideas
Frontier Live on X – Is Canada Broken? Lt. Col. David Redman on Canada, United States, and your Future. – with Lt. Col. David Redman
Chaos, dysfunction, and a country in crisis—has Canada lost its way? Lt. Col. David Redman joins David Leis to explore how we got here, what a new Trump administration could mean for Canada, and the urgent need to renew our nation's purpose and vision. Why is a...
Leaders on the Frontier – Did Justin Trudeau Ruin Canada’s Economy? – with Kim Moody
Big Topics & Big Ideas
It’s time for Policy Reform to avoid a Demographic Cliff in Trade Labor
After Covid lockdowns caused the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, employers across the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and the European Union have been struggling and competing to find workers. I spoke with various...
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
The Best Laid Plans of Politicians and Bureaucrats
It has been days since the federal Liberals told Canadians that their budget shortfall was 50 per cent higher than expected, and Canadians are still reeling from the arrogance and financial malfeasance that produced a $61.9-billion deficit. Canadians are angry...
Forecasts Show Saskatchewan’s Economic Strategy is Failing
Saskatchewan’s economic strategy faces criticism as its GDP growth lags behind that of other provinces, ranking second last since 2015. High taxes, including an inefficient provincial sales tax (PST) and complex potash royalties, deter investment and reduce public...
A Tale of Two Northern Indigenous Peoples Charting a Path Towards Economic Viability Beyond the Indian Act
This study argues Indigenous communities ought to consider economic viability and eventual self-reliance before embarking on a path toward political independence. Drawing upon relevant empirical data, it claims First Nations require meaningful control over...
New Report Argues Economic Independence Must Precede Political Autonomy for First Nations in Canada
Backgrounder 142
CPP Needs Straightforward Reforms
Canadians are leaving pension money on the table. More than 15 years ago, my then-father-in-law shared an important decision with me. He would start collecting from his Canadian Pension Plan at age 60. Although his monthly benefits would be reduced, he doubted...
Guilbeault’s Emissions Obsession: Ten Reasons to Call Time Out on Canada’s CO2 Crusade
Canadian Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault recently announced a plan requiring the oil and gas industry to cut CO2 emissions by more than one-third from 2019 levels by 2030. This deadline might seem far off, but it also stipulates that at least 20 percent...
Leaders on the Frontier – The War That Nobody is Talking About – with Sonya Savage
Big Topics & Big Ideas
Out-Trumping Trump: A Mission Without a Win
Diplomacy is often a world of planned whispers and subtle signals to communicate complex messages. So, even sleepy folks noticed when the PM made a much-publicized bold (and seemingly impromptu) move and flew to Florida to play Trump-Whisperer. What was the PM...
The “GST Holiday”… A Smokescreen For Scandal
A GST holiday sounded like it might be a good thing, but it turned out to be a gimmick to distract us from more serious issues, writes Marco Navarro-Genie.Courtesy Ivanoh Demers/Radio-Canada One more racket from a government that rules by racket The Prime...