
Falling Immigration, a Troubling Signal

Falling Immigration, a Troubling Signal

Manitoba shows no sign that its policies will be able to maintain the working population, while, over time, returning to annual balanced budgets and cutting taxes to keep the private sector that is here now. This dismal prediction is partially drawn by observing the...

Immigration and Reverse Immigration

Immigration and Reverse Immigration

Border controls over immigration and views about who has a right to cross national frontiers and settle as an immigrant have evoked impassioned debate and conflicting politics. Such issues raise basic questions about the nation-state, the control over the state’s...

Borders, Boundaries and Walls, Part 1 of 2

Borders, Boundaries and Walls, Part 1 of 2

While boundaries have traditionally, at least within the context of geographic statehood, represented physical demarcations, they have a much broader significance. Borders are essential declarations of sovereignty, but boundaries are equally social, political, and...

Featured News

Weaponizing the Law

The indictment of former U.S. president Donald Trump for crimes invented by his political opponents is the most egregious example yet seen of the weaponizing of the law. The United States is now full of examples. However, in Canada, we also see the law being...

Aruna Papp Interview

Reprinted from Dialogue. Interview by Juanita Julliet Singh On March 9, 2013, Aruna Papp established a record. She became the first Adventist Indo-Canadian woman to represent Canada as a delegate to the United Nations Conference on Global...

Picking doctors by colour

In a recent position statement, the Canadian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists argued that immigrant patients’ expressed wishes to be treated by a doctor of their own sex, race, culture or religion — reportedly a common phenomenon — should not be reflected in...

The Advocate

Originally printed on Aruna Papp grew up amid honour-based violence in India. Today she’s a world-recognized champion for vulnerable girls and women everywhere. Pin-drop silence. That was the atmosphere on a sleepy summer Sunday when Aruna Papp, a lay...

Mr. Suzuki’s Baseless, Irresponsible Immigration Claims

Imagine there was a policy that could reduce global poverty, conserve natural resources and help alleviate the coming retirement crisis, all while also fostering domestic economic growth. You would have to be either misinformed or malicious to oppose this policy, right? Well, this policy exists, and it’s called immigration.

Ironically, “progressive” hero David Suzuki has come out in favour of reducing immigration levels, only to be met with opposition from Conservative Minister of Immigration, Jason Kenney, who defended the value of immigration to Canada.

Let’s Worry About Skills, Not Outsourcing

If you landed back in Canada this week from outer space, or even southern Florida, you’d be forgiven for thinking you’d hit a wormhole in time and that it was actually 1990. A debate is raging about whether business should outsource jobs if it makes the business more profitable. Wait, you might think, we settled this long ago. And except when it becomes campaign trail rhetoric in America, we understand that outsourcing is not a bad thing.