Municipal Government

Saskatchewan NDP Needs to Reclaim Its Legacy to Regain Power

The Saskatchewan NDP suffered a humiliating defeat in the recent election. This defeat was all but inevitable, given the state of the economy. In order to minimize losses, the NDP ran to the left in order to ensure that their most ideological supporters would show up to vote. The tactic appears to have backfired. The party needs to move back to the center, and present a fiscally responsible agenda as it did during Roy Romanow’s tenure. Otherwise, the party faces the prospect of permanent opposition status.

Cabinet-making 101

Frontier’s research director has a quick look at Alison Redford’s new cabinet in Alberta and concludes that it is a cautious cabinet, and does not deliver the amount of change that many had come to expect from her leadership campaign.

Featured News

Revising The Suburbs

Sprawl. It's an ugly word. The term often evokes images that are even uglier: Green space lost to an asphalt desert of strip malls and highways. Citizens trapped in cars and a fast-food lifestyle that leaves them tired, stressed, and overweight. Pollution and global...