Aboriginal Futures

Time to Abolish Indian Act

Time to Abolish Indian Act

Canadians are watching protests on American streets that stem in part from their history of slavery. That “original sin” dogs America, and tears at its soul.  But Canada, too, has an “original sin”. And that is our history with Indigenous people. It is not that it...

Featured News

Self Governance for First Nations

Self Governance for First Nations

COMPAS Research carried out interview-based measurement of the perceived impact of selfgovernment on the quality of governance and services among the Westbank First Nation (Kelowna, B.C.), Yukon First Nation, the Cree of Northern Quebec, and Sechelt First Nation...

Compensation of First Nations Leaders

Compensation of First Nations Leaders

Due to passage of the First Nations Financial Transparency Act, systematic data about the compensation of chiefs and councillors are now available. Multiple regression analysis identifies three variables that explain part of the variation in pay: More populous First...