Aboriginal Futures

Profile Series – Lenny O’Meara

Profile Series – Lenny O’Meara

Lenny O’Meara – an Indigenous Australian entrepreneur and business leader – believes that Indigenous people can make a living by adding value to activities they have always done. “For Indigenous people, gubinge is a good source of income and if it’s managed right it...

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Natives Fear Ottawa Aiming To Convert Reserves To Private Land Ownership: Federal study of successful reserves with rent-paying businesses prompts some bands to raise alarm over resource rights

“Ottawa has quietly ordered a study of Canada’s most economically successful first nations, raising the prospect of a new approach to developing businesses on reserves while sparking fear among some native leaders that their rights to land and resources are at risk.”

‘Real Warriors Hold Jobs’

“Whatever we agree, or don’t, about the history of Canadian aboriginals, or about their current station, and what they do or don’t need, are or aren’t entitled to, we can all surely concede one fact: For thousands of years, Indians in North America — or, if you prefer, Turtle Island — somehow managed to get by. How well? That, like everything else, is up for interpretation.”