Aboriginal Futures

Profile Series – Josie Alec

Profile Series – Josie Alec

For Indigenous Australian entrepreneur Josie Alec, the Indigenous community of Australia should not stew in victimhood due to disadvantaged backgrounds but should seize business opportunities when they see them. “We don’t have the luxury of despair, it’s time to rise...

Profile Series: Steven Satour

Profile Series: Steven Satour

Steven Satour – a driven Indigenous Australian entrepreneur – is more than happy that he has achieved his childhood dream of working in the tourism sector and sharing his Indigenous culture with the outside world. “Australia is home to the oldest living culture of the...

Voiceless & Powerless

Voiceless & Powerless

Individuals aboriginal citizens are not represented by anybody, particularly the Assembly of First Nations. That’s why grass roots advocate Leona Freed favours a modernized treaty annuity which would direct resources directly to ordinary aboriginals. (2 minutes)

Featured News

Bezmenov: USSR Then, China Now

If Canadians believe the threat of a Communist superpower expired decades ago, they’re wrong. The Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics (USSR) may be long dead, but the Chinese dragon is alive and well. In 1970, KGB disinformation agent Yuri Bezmenov defected from the...

Time for Public Sector Adjustment

Brian Pallister likely knows that his time as Premier of Manitoba, now still leading a solid majority government, is coming to an end.  Fortunately for Pallister, his party and Manitoba, if he retires soon, by bringing in a new PC leader he could be remembered for...

It’s Time To Focus On Healing

I refer to your column in the Winnipeg Free Press on July 9th, “It’s time to focus on healing”, where you appear to encourage moving on in the Residential Schools issue. Over the years I have spoken to a considerable number of former staff members, teachers and students from the Indian Residential Schools and I can assure you, from my perspective, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission will discover very little of the truth they are seeking and there will never be a true and full reconciliation. More — email from Bill Steele, Winnipeg

Robert Nault, Former Minister of Indian Affairs

Robert Nault, Former Minister of Indian Affairs

“That’s where I think the Frontier Centre for Public Policy really does make a big difference. You guys are out there saying go ahead and do it, here’s what you need to do and here’s why it’s important. I think more and more leaders are seeing what happens when you do do that. There are enough examples now of successful First Nations that you can’t say it’s not possible or they’re not capable. I think the next step is for people to grab on to it in a larger way and move quicker because they’re missing a lot of great opportunities and we’re missing a whole generation if we don’t move faster than we are now.”