
Canada’s Organic Nightmare

A sustained assault is being levelled against agriculture across North America. It comes generally from environmentalists but more specifically from the organic industry, which survives, for the most part, by levelling unfounded attacks against any form of food that...

The “bacon shortage” story is journalism at its shoddiest

Global bacon shortage ‘unavoidable.’ So read the headline on CBC’s website for one of the most poorly reported stories in recent memory. The actual story is that poor corn yields this year will push up feed prices, which will translate into higher costs for hog producers. This leaves the industry two options: produce less, or raise prices. While either scenario will lead to a decline in bacon consumption, neither will lead to a “shortage.”

Featured News

Quebec to Lift Ban on Yellow Margarine

It fought in the supermarket aisles, it fought in the Supreme Court, but the Quebec government has finally surrendered in its battle to keep butter-coloured margarine off the province’s dinner tables. An aide to Liberal Agriculture Minister Laurent Lessard confirmed...

Free Trade in Food?

Quebec’s cows are a powerful bunch. Unlike the rest of us, when they go “meuh ” (that’s French for “moo”), they get noticed. It’s easy to understand why Quebeckers like supply management. They’ve milked the most out of it.

Is It Really Your Land?

The documentary chronicles the story of Marcel Fouillard and his family who, over the last 50 years, have developed a portion of the land they owned into a beautiful scenic area. Unfortunately, by their efforts, the Fouillards, who have a history of happily allowing schools, charities, and members of the public access the beautiful and historic site, made their land into a desirable expropriation target by the local Rural Municipality, which would like to develop it into a tourist attraction.

Food Shortages: Think Big

However, just as livestock are eating the food that would have been consumed by poor Africans, so Americans are running their SUVs on it. One SUV tank of biofuel uses enough grain to feed an African family for a year.