
Good Ideas Drowning in Regulation

Politicians love to crow about regulations they enact. They take out advertisements bragging about how tough they are on industries and how they are protecting us. Protecting us? From innovation, productivity, competitiveness, investment, more money in our pockets, a longer life and a cleaner environment? They have got to be kidding.

Featured News

What Exactly Does ‘Climate Justice’ Mean?

It seems like everything is about justice these days. Recently, as I drove home from the store, I saw a sign for the elections here in New York from the local Democratic Party, promising “equity, equality, and justice for all.” Beyond the obvious concerns any sane...

We are Finding the 2800 Missing Children

The “secret graves” and “missing children” narrative had our national flag flying at half-mast for over five months after an obscure indigenous politician made the startling claim that she “knew” that 215 indigenous children had been secretly buried in the “apple...

U.S. Farm Bill May Hurt Prairies

The gargantuan U.S. Farm Bill has finally been passed. It’s a multi-billion dollar monster that will subsidize U.S. farm production at levels never seen before. The bill raises crop subsidy spending in agriculture by a whopping 70%.

Giving Animals Rights

Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to amend other Acts (the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001), was introduced in the House of Commons and given first reading on 14 March 2001.

The Product Labelling Scam

The comprehensive labeling of food and other products has become the latest crusade for the anti-trade crowd. Their demands sound reasonable, but complying with them would put many products beyond the reach of the average household budget.