
Bringing Britain’s woes to North America?

Bringing Britain’s woes to North America?

Virginia enacted a Clean Economy Act; other states have implemented similar laws. AOC demands a national Green New Deal; President Biden is imposing one via executive decree. The United Kingdom is determined to reach Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions; the European...

What Exactly Does ‘Climate Justice’ Mean?

What Exactly Does ‘Climate Justice’ Mean?

It seems like everything is about justice these days. Recently, as I drove home from the store, I saw a sign for the elections here in New York from the local Democratic Party, promising “equity, equality, and justice for all.” Beyond the obvious concerns any sane...

Ignore the Carolers of Doom

Ignore the Carolers of Doom

The end of the year features a variety of excesses: people eat too much yummy food, drink too many intoxicating beverages, engage in unseemly displays of lawn, home, and garden kitsch, and in general, try to relax and celebrate the end of a tough year and the promise...

Featured News

Overconfidence: the Achilles heel of global warming alarmists

What Canada 2020 panelists and organizers seem to not understand is that all planning for the future involves sensible risk assessment. This includes considering, not just the possible impacts of climate change, but also the likelihood of them actually coming about. And that means dealing with uncertainties. Lecturing Canadians about fictional global warming certainty when future climate states are anything but certain, does us all a disservice and, in the long run will sway no one not already committed to the scare.

Carbon Tax…Are Republicans Really That Stupid?

As much as I admire former Secretary of State George Shultz, and because I do, I was totally flummoxed by a recent Wall Street Journal article he co-authored with economist Nobel laureate Gary Becker. Incredulously, the two senior fellows at Stanford University’s conservative Hoover Institution expressed support for a “revenue neutral” tax on carbon.

Climate Changing For Global Warming Journalists

The overwhelming consensus on global warming among journalists may be cracking. Last week, the world’s most prestigious newsmagazine – The Economist – backed away from its past alarmist position, saying that “If climate scientists were credit-rating agencies, climate sensitivity would be on negative watch.” The Economist now discounts the high-end estimates of warming coming from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as being unlikely if not far-fetched.

After Smoke Clears, Taxpayer-Funded Boondoggle Revealed

It was a different world in 2007 when then-B.C. premier Gordon Campbell announced that his would be the first carbon-neutral government in North America. The B.C. premier was a leader among Canadian politicians in introducing measures designed to curb carbon emissions. But like many of Mr. Campbell’s ventures, his attention and focus on the issue eventually waned and climate policy took a back seat to other matters.

Media bamboozled into promoting another climate scare story

The new scientific paper “A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years” attempted to show that twentieth century “global temperature” rise was unusual when seen in the context of the period since the end of the last glacial. But their research demonstrated no such thing. In fact, it was not even possible for the researchers to come to such a conclusion, based on the data they collected and the computational methods they employed.

Eco-Imperialism Joins Vulture Environmentalism: Obama appointees seek to impose ideological control over our energy, economy and property

Gina McCarthy, President Obama’s choice to replace Lisa Jackson at the Environmental Protection Agency, has been chastised for having lied to Congress, in claiming that EPA did not use “dangerous manmade climate change” to justify new 54.5 mpg standards for cars and light trucks. She’s also been implicated in the agency’s practice of using fake emails to hide questionable dealings and activities.