
Mark Carney’s “Greta” Finance Model

Mark Carney’s “Greta” Finance Model

Depending on the part of the world you’re in, the mention of economist, Mark Carney, will elicit different responses. In Canada, Carney is widely credited with steering the country through the rocky waters of the 2008 financial crisis, but in the United Kingdom he is...

Climate Emergency? Do As I Say Not As I Do

Climate Emergency? Do As I Say Not As I Do

What is the climate “emergency”, “crisis”, “catastrophe” (take your pick) really about? According to teenager Greta Thunberg, who now appears to lead the climate crisis campaign, “It is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of...

A New Approach to Stopping Climate Change

A New Approach to Stopping Climate Change

When creative intellect, left wing politics, and sexuality meet, the bizarre is sure to follow, even if it gets few followers. Take the ecosexual movement, pioneered by California PhDs Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens. In 2016, they penned the Ecosexual Manifesto....

Featured News

Europe’s Green Energy Suicide

As austerity bites into European living standards, sparking revolt at the polls, “growth” has become the politician’s mantra. But to be competitive, European countries require a secure, plentiful and competitively priced energy supply. Unless Europe radically rethinks its obsession with carbon dioxide emissions and the anti-fossil fuel energy policies that flow from it, growth is likely to remain elusive, says author Rael Jean Isaac in the Wall Street Journal.

It’s About Freedom

On Friday evening I attended a music festival in Prague and during the break I mentioned to a group of people that I was going to Chicago, among other things to speak at a global warming conference. Their reaction was: “Global warming? Isn’t it already over? Does anybody care about it?” That is how they see it. Maybe it is a European perspective.

Reformation In The ‘Church of Global Warming’?

The Church of Global Warming — or is it climate change or maybe climate disruption — is currently enduring a crisis of belief somewhat akin to the time when, in 1517, Martin Luther engaged in his theological carpentry at the All Saint’s Church in Wittenberg. Former believers have become skeptics. NASA astronauts and scientists now doubt the whole business and the remaining true believers accuse them of joining the Flat Earth Society or becoming the equivalent of Holocaust deniers.

Breaking a Few Eggs

Prince Edward Point has been named a “Globally Important Birding Area” in 1998, and Environment Canada has declared it a wildlife sanctuary. Millions of birds migrate through this tiny area every year, more so than grace even Point Pelee. So it seems rather strange that just a few kilometres down the road the Ontario government has proposed installing the most efficient bird killing machines ever, in the form of a huge wind farm. All to protect the environment.