
The Northwest Passage

The Northwest Passage

It is not hard to find opinions on “climate change”.   Not so long ago, what is now called “climate change” was addressed as “global warming”, a designation fell out of favour when too many cold weather records were broken.  Radio, television, the printed media and...

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The Great Global Warming Fizzle: The climate religion fades in spasms of anger and twitches of boredom.

This week, the conclave of global warming’s cardinals are meeting in Durban, South Africa, for their 17th conference in as many years. The idea is to come up with a successor to the Kyoto Protocol, which is set to expire next year, and to require rich countries to pony up $100 billion a year to help poor countries cope with the alleged effects of climate change.

Carbon Credits Like Medieval Indulgences: Money should be spent on raising living standards, not the Kyoto Protocol

As a bishop who regularly preaches to congregations of every age and at widely different levels of prosperity and education, I have some grasp of the challenges in presenting a point of view to the general public. This helps me to understand the propaganda achievements of the climate extremists, at least until their attempted elimination of the Medieval Warming and then Climategate.