
Climate Change: Can’t We Just Talk Politely?

Climate Change: Can’t We Just Talk Politely?

“Blatherskite.” “Trained seal.” “Dim-witted saboteur”. “A piece of sh*t”. These are all terms which have been deemed to be “unparliamentary language” in Canada; use of them, and 102 other specified pieces of verbal abuse, may result in penalties levied by the Speaker...

Now It’s a War On Pipelines

Now It’s a War On Pipelines

Efforts to block and sabotage pipelines hurt jobs, economic growth, middle class, human safety   The environmentalist war on fossil fuels has opened a new front: a war on pipelines. For years, activists claimed the world was rapidly depleting its oil and natural gas...

EPA Endangerment Finding Endangers USA

EPA Endangerment Finding Endangers USA

Nine years ago, the Obama Environmental Protection Agency issued an “Endangerment Finding.” It claimed that methane leaks from natural gas production and pipelines, and manmade carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels, cause dangerous global warming that...

Featured News

What Comes Next after Bitcoin Mainstreaming?

Underneath all the media brouhaha and institutional focus on bitcoin, a struggle is brewing in the crypto world: which altcoin will pick up the baton? A fierce competition is underway for the podium, with Ethereum having a clear first-mover advantage. Bitcoin, as...

Con: Earth is Never in Equilibrium

“In a world where we experience temperature changes of tens of degrees in a single day, we treat changes of a few tenths of a degree in some statistical residue, known as the global mean temperature anomaly (GATA), as portents of disaster.”

IPCC Corruption Included Ignoring Facts and Science

“Phil Jones, disgraced and dismissed Director of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU), granted BBC reporter Roger Harrabin an interview. Why Harrabin? His reporting has shown bias on all the IPCC and CRU activities. Leaked emails showed the CRU gang used friends in the BBC and that apparently continues.”