
When Emissions Disappear, So Do Jobs

Following Barack Obama's recent visit to China, the White House issued a joint US-China climate announcement that says "China intends to achieve the peaking of C02 emissions around 2030." But that isn't news. A report published three-and-a-half-years ago and funded by...

Another Climate Change Ransom Note

On November 2, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sent humanity a ransom note. In the words of the UK-based cartoonist known as Josh, its message was: "Give us trillions or you will fry!! There will be storms floods droughts winds and...

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Forecast: A Cooling Trend On Climate Change

Some climate change scientists are becoming concerned that the momentum for Copenhagen is already fading and that the possibility of agreement is looking more unlikely than it was at the beginning of the year. They are beginning to use science to argue the polemics of the case rather than just draw attention to the science – the lines between scientific inquiry and political action are becoming blurred.

Spiking The Road To Copenhagen

Nothing is more hypocritical and immoral than rich Westerners driving their gas-guzzling SUVs emoting about the threat to Spaceship Earth from the millions of Indians who want to drive Nanos. Whilst the salving of their consciences by buying carbon offsets (as Al Gore claims to do every time he jets around the world) is akin to the Papal indulgences sold by the Catholic Church, which allowed its richer adherents to assuage their guilt and ‘fornicate on clean sheets’.

Fact Check on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Fact Check on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Some environmental activists criticize Canada for the fact that our total greenhouse gas emissions have increased over the past 20 years. However, examining total emissions is an overly simplistic approach to measuring progress, because this metric makes no provision for the fact that GHG emissions are tightly linked to population and economic growth. A better indicator is GHG intensity of economic activity, a statistic that does not punish economic growth. According to this indicator Canada has actually made significant progress over the past 20 years, reducing the GHG intensity of its economic activity by 18% since 1990. This indicator clearly shows that the widespread perception that Canada has made no progress toward controlling its GHG emissions is mistaken. FC050

The Costs of Climate Change Strategies, Who Will Tell People?

I have yet to discern any seething undercurrent of desire on the part of Americans (or the vast majority anywhere else) to return to the living standards of 1980, much less 1950 or 1750. Neither Washington’s politicians nor those in Paris or any other high income world capital are going to tell the people that they must accept a lower standard of living.

Taxpayer Cash For Clunker Ideas

It was all so socially responsible and win-win – except for those poor taxpayers, who got saddled with still more debt. The other big loser of course is the antiquated notion that public policies should be based on sound science and economics.

ETS Forum – The Climate Craze

Where GW departs from ordinary academic disputes and becomes a dangerous fundamentalist mania is in the righteous and fervency of its proselytizers. This is apparent in the anger and abuse directed at any who dare question their pronouncements. It has gone so far as leading warmers comparing scepticism of GW with holocaust denial, suggesting that GW dissent be made a criminal offence and even advocating Nuremburg style public trials for offenders.

Is the Sun Missing Its Spots?

Ever since Samuel Heinrich Schwabe, a German astronomer, first noted in 1843 that sunspots burgeon and wane over a roughly 11-year cycle, scientists have carefully watched the Sun’s activity. Indeed, last year marked the blankest year of the Sun in the last half-century — 266 days with not a single sunspot visible from Earth. Then, in the first four months of 2009, the Sun became even more blank, the pace of sunspots slowing more.