Culture Wars

Politicizing the Judiciary

Politicizing the Judiciary

Israel is currently locked in an intense struggle between conservatives and progressives over the Netanyahu government’s judicial reform plans. As it now stands, the top court can strike down any law that it considers to be “unreasonable”. Those judges are all...

Six Years Of Failure

Six Years Of Failure

It’s customary in the run up to an election for voters to ask, “Do I feel better off today than when this Government first took office?” Since Labour is a second term government, let’s turn our mind back to 2017. After nine years of National, economists were...

Featured News

The end of America?

The end of America?

How do societies and cultures end? What causes the death of societies and cultures? It is not always the obvious threats. Today we are struggling with the coronavirus which has unfortunately sickened many and killed some Americans. The deaths are tragic, but so are...

Transhumanism is a Post-God Serpent’s Promise

Transhumanism is a Post-God Serpent’s Promise

When God dies, so does his morality, and then man rises to take God’s place. Over the past 140 years, people as diverse as Friedrich Nietzsche, Adolf Hitler, and Ray Kurzweil, have hailed the quest for superhumans. In many ways, the transhumanist movement represents...

A less Naïve Canada on Foreign Policy?

A less Naïve Canada on Foreign Policy?

Pope Francis gave a speech recently in which he praised attachment to one’s own culture and place, criticizing global capitalism with its “consumerist vision of human beings” for its “levelling effect on cultures, diminishing the immense variety which is the heritage...

Obliterating History a very bad Idea

Obliterating History a very bad Idea

Winnipeg’s Mayor is determined to pursue his name game; renaming, removing, and rewriting history. Among his targets is Bishop Grandin Boulevard - the Mayor doesn’t like Bishop Grandin’s attitudes. If he succeeds, the next logical renaming would be St. Vital - also...

Sophie’s Choice

Sophie’s Choice

William Styron’s brilliant novel “Sophie’s Choice” has a mother forced by the Nazis to make a terrible choice - choose which child will live and which will die. Now, COVID-19 choices are just as unsettling. In Italy’s hospitals doctors must decide which patients are...