Culture Wars

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CUSMA the New NAFTA: Boon or Bane For Canada?

In 1994, the United States, Mexico and Canada created a free-trade region with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Considering the fact that the USA is the largest economy in the world (from 1994 to present), NAFTA was a true asset for the Canadian...

Against Multiculturalism

Against Multiculturalism

Like “disciplined anarchy,” “monogamy with multiple spouses,” and “promiscuous chastity,” “multiculturalism” is an incoherent and self-contradictory idea. So too is Canada’s “multiculturalism in a bilingual society.” Here is why: “Culture” is the way of life of a...

We Mustn’t Judge, Must We?

We Mustn’t Judge, Must We?

The young homeowner was in bed with his wife when the telephone rang. Sleepily he lifted the receiver to hear: “Sir, this is Sergeant Preston from Security. I thought you should know that there has been a property invasion in the neighbourhood and the perpetrators are...

Trial by Tweet

Trial by Tweet

If anyone doubted that the #MeToo movement has ushered in a revolution, the political execution of Patrick Brown should put those doubts to rest. As in all revolutions, not all the heads that  fall into the basket deserve to be there, the Madame Defarge’s of this...

Who Should Dole Out Justice?

Who Should Dole Out Justice?

The jury trial of Gerald Stanley for the murder of Colten Boushie marks a new development in criminal law. The trial itself was not unusual, a jury heard the evidence, deliberated, and acquitted the Saskatchewan farmer. It’s what followed the acquittal that is...

Rape Culture On Campus

Rape Culture on Campus Essay   Philip Carl Salzman December 24, 2017   Rape is the physical entry into another person’s body without the consent of that person. Usually it involves the sex organs of at least one of the people. It is recognised in Western...

The Sir John A. Macdonald Prize

The Sir John A. Macdonald Prize

We will begin today’s article with a quiz. So, pencils out please, and answer the following question: what famous personality was described by an unadmiring biographer as “a thieving, fanatical Albanian dwarf”? I’ll give you the answer in a paragraph or two as we...

Booting Beyak – Conform or Get Out!

Booting Beyak – Conform or Get Out!

Senator Lynn Beyak has been expelled from caucus by the Conservative Party. The reasons for her removal were that “she allowed” racist posts to be placed on her website and refused to remove them when ordered to do so. In fact, I am one of the people quoted on her...