
CUSMA the New NAFTA: Boon or Bane For Canada?

CUSMA the New NAFTA: Boon or Bane For Canada?

In 1994, the United States, Mexico and Canada created a free-trade region with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Considering the fact that the USA is the largest economy in the world (from 1994 to present), NAFTA was a true asset for the Canadian...

What Comes Next after Bitcoin Mainstreaming?

What Comes Next after Bitcoin Mainstreaming?

Underneath all the media brouhaha and institutional focus on bitcoin, a struggle is brewing in the crypto world: which altcoin will pick up the baton? A fierce competition is underway for the podium, with Ethereum having a clear first-mover advantage. Bitcoin, as...

Featured News

Demand Fairness from Ottawa and Edmonton

A few weeks ago, Albertans voted to reduce the inequities in the federal equalization program. The deficit between the dollars that leave to and come back from Ottawa has recently been as high as $27 billion in one year. During times of crisis, it feels like salt in...

Legalize and tax marijuana and the budget will balance itself. Marijuana advocates from stoners to recreational users to the Prime Minister have tried to convince us of this for years. It makes some sense that a product so commonly used should be regulated, not...

Six Takeaways from Venezuela’s Dystopia

Six Takeaways from Venezuela’s Dystopia

No matter how far Venezuela sinks, there remain loyalists who deflect and deny, including plenty in Canada. These dogmatic adherents of authoritarian central planning foretell more Venezuelas to come. Bolivia under Evo Morales and Nicaragua under Daniel Ortega look to...

Real-Time Pay: A Boon for Workers

Real-Time Pay: A Boon for Workers

Your money is worth more to you today than tomorrow. This financial truth—the time value of money—backs the case for real-time pay, a nifty tool for the benefit of workers. Although Canadian unemployment is at a four-decade low, wage growth has stagnated and...

The Real Reasons for the Gender Pay Gap

The Real Reasons for the Gender Pay Gap

For decades, politicians, pundits, and activists have clamoured about a “gender pay gap” and have cited statistics purporting to show that the economy is unfair to women, who get paid only around 70 to 80 cents for every dollar earned by men. And for just as long,...