
False Green Energy Claims Endanger Lives

False Green Energy Claims Endanger Lives

Among their dubious claims and assertions, Climate Change and Green Transition self-styled activists advance their goals with one outright fiction: that ‘levelized’ power costs from solar panels and wind turbines is very low - lower than the marginal cost (being only...

Featured News

Government Lapdogs and Poodles continued

The former Dean of Engineering of the Province of Manitoba recently aptly classified the Clean Environment Commission as a lapdog of government, while the Public Utilities Board prepares to hold a government-restricted and ordered review of part of a Manitoba Hydro's...

Natural Gas Versus Hydro

The energy debate in Manitoba is slowly getting around to looking at a proposition I advanced when I was with the Manitoba Sustainable Energy Association that involves deploying scalable natural gas systems as an alternative to large, long lead time hydro dams.

In my opinion, there is a need to move towards a more distributed model of producing energy in this province.  As I described in 2009, it is possible that moving towards a combination of a distributed energy generation and smart grids could…

  • improve the security of supply of energy across Manitoba;
  • distribute benefits associated with electrical energy production more equitably throughout Manitoba;
  • encourage the adoption of combined heat-and-power energy systems in agricultural, commercial, industrial and institutional settings;
  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions and negative environmental impacts associated with energy mega-project development;
  • create a platform to implement demand-side energy management systems and time-of-use rates;
  • more fully utilize existing electrical transmission and distribution assets throughout Manitoba.

It’s Time To Sequester Green Energy Subsidies, Not Mythical Oil And Gas Tax Breaks

One of the big applause lines in President Obama’s recent Georgetown “climate action plan” pitch declaring an all-out EPA war on coal and it’s fossil cousins said: “And because billions of your tax dollars continue to still subsidize some of the most profitable corporations in the history of the world, my budget once again calls for Congress to end the tax breaks for big oil companies, and invest in the clean-energy companies that will fuel our future.” This is hardly a new strategy theme.

Zombie Democracy

The competitive economic gap that existed between Manitoba and its western neighbours at the time of the last provincial election (2011)has grown further, and, just as worrisome, the democracy gap is growing as well.

Ed Schreyer Speaks, Best to Listen

On June  25th, former Governor General of Canada and former Premier of Manitoba Ed Schreyer spoke at a Frontier Centre luncheon. His topic was Manitoba Hydro's plans (supported by the provincial government), to spend tens of billions of dollars to construct...