
Imposing an Oil Pipeline on Quebec

Imposing an Oil Pipeline on Quebec

During the recent French and English language debates for the Conservative leadership, one of the two candidates accused the other of wanting to impose an oil pipeline on Quebec without its consent.  In this case, the Conservative MP for Durham was accused – after he...

There Will be Oil Sands for Quite Some Time

There Will be Oil Sands for Quite Some Time

Recently, many climate change activists and their sympathizers have been cheered by the dramatic drop in oil prices that coincided with, and were partly caused by, the COVID-19 pandemic. Prominent among them is the outgoing leader of the federal Green Party of Canada....

Featured News

“Error” Black from Left Field

Errol Black Black, a long time NDP supporter is suggesting that Manitoba Hydro should be able to bypass regulatory safeguards and invest in the risky construction of new dams that may or may not be paid through exports to the south.

I have a question for Error Black.  If this was a private sector company that was proposing to invest billion in a speculative venture on a one-way bet that their losses could be recovered from Manitoba rate payers or tax payers, would he still be suggesting that the PUB should roll over?

Thank You PUB

It is time to place a firewall around the export business unit of Manitoba Hydro to protect rate payers and tax payers of Manitoba.