
Two Visions of Mining for Manitoba

Two Visions of Mining for Manitoba

There are two visions of engaging with First Nations on mining projects in Manitoba. The first will likely lead to considerable opposition and increased delays. The second focuses on meaningful consultation with Indigenous groups and is destined to move development...

USA Kills Canadian Pipelines

USA Kills Canadian Pipelines

The meek will inherit the earth…if that’s okay with everybody else,” says the old joke. When it comes to developing Canada’s energy sector, that trite joke seems all-too-true. The Northern Gateway, Energy East, and Pacific Northwest LNG Pipeline proposals have been...

Moratoriums On Fracking Are Counter-Productive

Moratoriums On Fracking Are Counter-Productive

Unnecessary and populist-driven moratoriums on hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) are denying “have not” provinces much needed jobs and revenue. Inadvertently, these moratoriums are also denying over-taxed citizens opportunities to relieve their tax burden. British...

Featured News

Trying to Make Unequal Things Equal

The world is realizing they’ve been fooled and CO2 reduction is unnecessary. Now China, India and other developing nations are demanding the developed nations meet their commitment to reduce CO2 levels while they increase theirs, which will further diminish competitive advantage.

Back To The “Good Old Days”

It is astonishing how casually activists, bureaucrats, politicians and even some corporate executives advocate arbitrary CO2 reduction targets and timetables – as though they were possible, desirable or necessary.

Has “Peak Oil” Peaked?

It is always interesting to watch what happens when the media latches onto a given issue and then, as the reality on the ground evolves — sometimes radically — the media fails to catch up to, or even monitor, the changes. This means the public is stuck with an outdated version of conventional wisdom which, even if it were true in the first place, is no longer so.

Energy Myths and Realities

“I’m going to try to do something that seems impossible these days – and that’s have an honest conversation about energy policy, global warming and what it means for America’s energy future – and for you, the generation that will have to live with the consequences of the policy choices we make.”

Who Could Object To Wind Power?

The biggest problem with wind is that it doesn’t always blow. There are lots of days when Toronto’s monument to civic virtue couldn’t even power my toaster. Inconveniently, these times of low production tend to coincide with times of high demand. So no matter how many turbines you put up, you always need backup power.

Dirty Oil And Journalism

Journalism hysteria, a deadly disease, has begun to infect the reports on Alberta’s oilsands with the same inflammatory bias and misleading prejudice one sees in the slanted reports on climate change and politics. The oil is not dirty, journalism just makes it seem so.

Martin Durkin, Director of The Great Global Warming Swindle

Martin Durkin, Director of The Great Global Warming Swindle

If you examine the mountain of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) literature on this, you’ll find the vast majority of it concerns the possible (projected) effects of climate change. Most of this is highly suspect and does not address the central question of whether humans are causing the climate to change. The climate has always changed. Climate change is nothing new.