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Why University?

In this essay, I explain that young people should come to university to be educated, and not to become credentialed; the public should support universities because universities educate young people, not because they produce credentialled workers.   Why should a...

Fracking Brings Employment and Economic Revival: But anti-energy activists promote falsehoods about this vital, safe job-creating technology. They inhabit a callous parallel universe and wage war on cheap energy, jobs and the poor.

Signs of pride and prosperity were evident all over Williamsport and the gorgeous northern Pennsylvania countryside around it. Friendly, happy people greeted us. New cars, trucks, hotels and restaurants sparkled in a clean, bustling downtown. New roofs topped barns and houses, while late model tractors worked the fields. Formerly dirt roads are now paved.


With the release of a predictable report by the Clean Environment Commission, one that criticizes elements of Manitoba Hydro's Bipole III plans and actions while setting out 'reachable' conditions for Hydro moving ahead on the $4 or $5 or ? billion project, the 'green...

David Suzuki and the rise of New Xenophobia

David Suzuki made a statement that Canada’s immigration policy is disgusting and that the country is already full. He implies that the environment will be harmed by more people in Canada and that immigration inevitably translates into an irreplaceable loss of skill to the countries of origin. People reject newcomers for a variety of reasons, but Suzuki’s fears are not the old-fashioned xenophobia with which we are all familiar.

Fear, Shame and Silence – the New Hydro

Publius On the orders of its master, the NDP government of Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro doggedly continues to implement a risky and seemingly ever increasingly expensive development plan. (Is there anyone left that actually believes the forecasts of costs, export revenues...

Precautionary Double Standards: Wind turbines kill birds and harm people. Why doesn’t the “precautionary principle” apply?

Jessica Marszelek, federal politics reporter for Australia’s News Limited Network, recently posted an article titled, “Australia: Wind power ‘terrorising’ rural communities.” Some 150 people turned up for a three-hour rally at Canberra’s Parliament House, she reported, to express their concern about the health effects of wind turbines.

Slow the Flow… Save the Lake: Throwing money at Lake Winnipeg won’t help much, but some ditch-digging might

On Thursday, the province announced a new “Lake Friendly Accord” intended to leverage $1 billion worth of investment into ways to improve the ecological state of the vast Lake Winnipeg watershed, which stretches from the Rocky Mountains in the west down to the edge of South Dakota and then east into Canadian Shield between Atikokan and Thunder Bay.