
Debate Planned on Merits of Fracking

Debate Planned on Merits of Fracking

They’re aiming for a unique accomplishment in Pugwash on Thursday night. A group of citizens will try to host a constructive, rational debate on the merits of fracking. And then, perhaps even more ambitiously, they’re going to try for a discussion where everyone...

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Taxation in the Guise of Utility Rate Increases

Hydro has lost its intended focus on meeting Manitoba demand and bringing in electricity at the lowest cost possible for Manitoba ratepayers. The Utility’s development designs, based on overly optimistic forecasts of export demand and maintaining cost pressures on the new build, represent ‘gambling’ with ratepayers’ money.

McGuinty’s Legacy is a Green Nightmare

On the morning of Jan. 5, workers with a fleet of heavy equipment mounted a stealth assault on a bald eagle’s nest near the shore of Lake Erie. Their mission was to remove the nest – one of only a few dozen bald eagle nests in Southern Ontario – to make way for an access road to the site of a new industrial wind turbine. Wind power is supposed to be environmentally friendly. But a lot of environmentalists don’t think so.