
Coase, Pigou, and Sriracha Sauce

Huy Fong has been ordered to cease any odor emitting production by a California judge. This could lead to a shortage of their wildly popular Sriracha hot sauce. While foodies are upset, residents who sought the injunction against Huy Fong appear to have a legitimate...

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Only Climate Deceptions Matter in the Post-Fact Society

“The Post-Fact society is very active with environmental and climate issues. The media, which has generally abandoned the concept of fair and balanced, amplifies it. There’s a constant search for examples to buttress the idea that global warming and climate change are caused by humans. Even after evidence is proven inaccurate, inappropriate or wrong, the idea is pushed and new ‘facts’ found. Central requirements are to blame humans for the change and imply planetary destruction will result.”

The Present Climate

“A recent poll by Compas, paid for by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, showed that 73 per cent of Canadians want any treaty on global warming delayed or not signed at all. They probably fear the economic costs, especially at a time when the worldwide recession is hardly over.”

Control of Climate Policies by Unaccountable Bureaucracies: The Canadian Example

“CanadaFreePress published some of this article a few years ago but few saw it because it was quickly pulled after I received a legal threat I was financially unable to fight. Legal threats to silence people are a common practice of supporters of human caused global warming. I related my experience to Dr Fred Singer and he immediately named the lawyer. How did he know? He and others had received threats from the same lawyer. “

Taking the Wind Out of Energy

“Fiscal spending on green energy has created a financial deficit in the power industry as a whole, forcing the government to cut back 30 percent of handouts to the solar energy producers. Thousands of jobs have been lost—part of the country’s painful 19 percent unemployment rate. “

The ‘Science’ Mantra

The recently revealed destruction of raw data at the bottom of the global warming hysteria, as well as revelations of attempts to prevent critics of this hysteria from being published in leading journals, suggests that the disinterested search for truth– the hallmark of real science– has taken a back seat to a political crusade.