
Saving Canada’s Democracy

Saving Canada’s Democracy

Canada’s democracy is in peril. The numerous measures instituted by Canada’s fourteen Governments in the last year and a half speaks to an unprecedented assault on individual rights and freedoms. This year is only the 40th anniversary of a written Charter of Rights...

Trust is the Foundation of Authority

Trust is the Foundation of Authority

The heartbreaking death of Nathanael Spitzer, the cancer-stricken boy from Ponoka, exposed a most callous streak in Alberta’s medical bureaucracy. There is no forgiving how Alberta Health Services appallingly used a child’s death to promote yet more COVID-19 fear. ...

Featured News

How We Teach Reading Really Does Matter

Reading is the most important skill taught in school. If students don’t learn how to read, not much else that happens there is going to matter. That’s because being able to read is important in virtually every job. Without the ability to read, life itself will be a...

Canada Racist? Only its Government

Canada Racist? Only its Government

Canada has always prided itself on being one of the most open and least racist countries in the world. This view may not have always been true, particularly with regard to our past immigration policies, which only became colour neutral in the 1960s. But since then,...

Killing Alberta-51 Option: Thank Joe!

Killing Alberta-51 Option: Thank Joe!

About a third of Albertans steadily favour breaking away from Canada. That number has recently been as high as 50 per cent (February 2020, Angus Reid). Some among them believe that joining the U.S. as a 51st state is the best option. But that’s not likely the case...

Two Pandemics Are Scarier Than One

Two Pandemics Are Scarier Than One

This week marked the anniversary of the COVID-19 confinements that were only supposed to last for a few weeks. That was 52 weeks ago.  In many ways, fear became the pandemic. Different people drive the COVID-19 fear, but its principal generators are statisticians and...

Rideau Hall and Stardom

Rideau Hall and Stardom

Since 1541, Canada’s vice-regal representatives have been lieutenant generals, viceroys, governors and governors general. Vincent Massey, who served from 1952-59, was the first Canadian-born governor general. All his successors have been Canadians, most of them well...