
Profile Series: Arthur Laffer

Profile Series: Arthur Laffer

“Government spending is taxation. When you look at this, I’ve never  heard of a poor person spending himself into prosperity; let alone I’ve never heard of a poor person taxing himself into prosperity.” Arthur Betz “Art” Laff er is one of the world’s most renowned...

The Unacceptable Idea of a New Normal

The Unacceptable Idea of a New Normal

Since the declaration of the COVID-19 Pandemic back in March of 2020, the Medical Officers of Health (MOHs), the Medical Special Advisory Councils and some politicians have regularly referred to the fact that Canadians may have to learn to live with a new normal. This...

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Let’s Check the Fact-Checkers

Let’s Check the Fact-Checkers

Fact-checking, how wonderful. They take us past the spin and straight to the real truth. Or maybe not. A closer look at almost every fact-checking organization shows a great deal of politics and vested interests involved. Years ago, I went to whenever...

A Cure Worse than the Disease

A Cure Worse than the Disease

Despite the relentless media drum-banging around the alarmist Covid narrative, this particular virus is not the Black Death. Official numbers have the Canadian death count so far just below 11,000, bad for sure, but not hugely off the yearly flu toll in Canada which...

How Marxists Take Over (and What to Do About it)

How Marxists Take Over (and What to Do About it)

The fall of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics did not end the threat of Communism. Yuri Bezmenov, an ex-KGB agent who defected from Russia to Canada in 1970, told us so more than 35 years ago. Even while the USSR was a strong empire, Bezmenov said it was “the...

Focused Protection Yes; Lockdown No

Focused Protection Yes; Lockdown No

In a crushing blow to small business and morale, Manitoba’s Premier has ordered a return to the very lockdown model that the World Health Organization (WHO) warned leaders to avoid. Premiers are being pressured by a Prime Minister who threatens to withhold money...

Sexual Exploitation by WHO in the Congo

Sexual Exploitation by WHO in the Congo

The second-largest Ebola outbreak in history is over, but the sexual misconduct investigations regarding WHO’s aid workers in the Congo has just begun. The Congolese Ebola outbreak started in 2018 and was declared over on June 25, 2020. It had 3481 cases, 2299...