
Time’s up for Canada

Time’s up for Canada

Could Canada soon meet its end, given its many divides and increasing public debt? If Sir John Glubb is right, the answer is yes. His 1976 work, The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival, found surprising commonalities in the rise and fall of 11 historic empires....

Brokers Conquer Again

Brokers Conquer Again

Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) is in the process of updating its computer programs and associated practices. Through an estimated multi-million dollar effort, MPI plans to provide its customers with online services. With MPI’s long-needed revamped technology,...

Featured News

What Exactly Does ‘Climate Justice’ Mean?

It seems like everything is about justice these days. Recently, as I drove home from the store, I saw a sign for the elections here in New York from the local Democratic Party, promising “equity, equality, and justice for all.” Beyond the obvious concerns any sane...

We are Finding the 2800 Missing Children

The “secret graves” and “missing children” narrative had our national flag flying at half-mast for over five months after an obscure indigenous politician made the startling claim that she “knew” that 215 indigenous children had been secretly buried in the “apple...

Whatever It Takes to Form Government?

Whatever It Takes to Form Government?

With opinion surveys showing the Liberal and Conservative parties running neck in neck one week before the October 21 federal election, there is plenty of talk about minority government and government coalitions. Prairie Canadians, those in Alberta and Saskatchewan in...

No One Is above the Law

No One Is above the Law

Nearly a month ago, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer called on the RCMP to investigate the Prime Minister’s conduct in the SNC Lavalin case.  Ethics Commissioner Dion found that the Prime Minister breached Section 9 of The Conflict of Interest Act, when he repeatedly...

Regional Subsidies in Canada

Regional Subsidies in Canada

Equalization and many other subsidies provided to Canadian regions are one of the most widely discussed but least understood aspects of our national life.  They are widely discussed because the funding devoted to these subsidies is large and their political impact...

A Nuclear Germany?

A Nuclear Germany?

What will this world look like in fifty years - or even in ten years? Of course we don’t know. But one of the rather unsettling possibilities is that the future will have to accommodate a Germany with nuclear arms. Let me explain. For the short period of time after...

No Gun Fire in the Moose Wars, Yet

No Gun Fire in the Moose Wars, Yet

International conflicts are dominating the news; China is vying for power in the Pacific Ocean, and in most other parts of the world; Russia is causing trouble wherever it can, and the Middle East remains tense as it has always been. Meanwhile, another international...

Human Rights Tribunals – Should They Go?

Human Rights Tribunals – Should They Go?

In an astonishing ruling the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has ordered the federal government to distribute at least $2 billion to Indigenous family members who had children apprehended from reserve homes between 2006 and the present day.  If the government follows...