Municipal Government

A Taste of Reality for Alberta’s Public Sector

There are more than a few politicians in Canada delighting in what’s happening in Alberta these days. For years, provincial leaders have been driven mad by the often obscene deals that Alberta has struck with its public-sector employees, making everyone from doctors to teachers the best paid in the country. Not surprisingly, those same professions in other provinces have used these wage benchmarks as targets of their own during contract negotiations.

Featured News

No Evidence of Climate Crisis

In his annual State of the Climate report published on April 14, 2022, Dr. Ole Humlum, Emeritus Professor at the University of Oslo, examined detailed patterns in temperature changes in the atmosphere and oceans together with trends in climate impacts. Many of these...

Change is Coming…

Wildrose Alliance will have a new electoral strategy; and the Alberta Tories will have a new leader, a new image, and may be even a new, reinvented party. The next Alberta election will be a dandy.

The Rise of the Efficient City: Smaller, more nimble urban regions promise a better life than the congested megalopolis.

“In fact, the era of bigger-is-better is passing as smaller, more nimble urban regions are emerging. These efficient cities, as I call them, provide the amenities of megacities—airports, mass communication, reservoirs of talent—without their grinding congestion, severe social conflicts and other diseconomies of scale.”