
Featured News

Who’s Afraid of Ron Paul?

The Manning Centre for Building Democracy is currently holding its annual networking conference. Among their guest speakers is Ron Paul, a Texas congressman who made a high profile, though unsuccessful bid for the Republican Party presidential nomination in the last election cycle. Paul, a self-described “constitutional conservative” is a polarizing figure.

Evolving Media Narrative

Here's an interesting article on the incredible evolving media narrative about the US economy ever since Barack Obama won re-election. Before the election, when good economic news helps the incumbent: In fact, one month before the election, the Times ran a story...

US Election

Polls have started closing in the US, on the east coast at least. Join us live on twitter for coverage and our thoughts throughout the night.

Ballot initiatives and Canadian politics

Many Canadian observers would be amazed at the number and breadth of ballot initiatives that will go before American voters tomorrow. The election of a president is not the only exciting aspect of tomorrow's vote. Dozens of states will be putting questions before...

The revival of Swedish Liberalism

Around the world, leftist intellectuals have used Sweden as a poster child for the idea that socialism can simultaneously lead to prosperity and equality. Proponents of free enterprise usually don’t know how to respond to such statements. It can’t be denied that Swedes enjoy a high standard of living, and for sure, there are elements of redistribution and state interventionism in the country. However, the trend has clearly been in the opposite direction over the past couple of decades.

Harper’s civil service shuffle an attempt to make ‘Yes, Minister’ actually mean something

Ottawa positively hummed with speculation about a major shuffle in the upper reaches of the public service Monday — a story I suggested on Twitter was important because “these are the people who really run the country.” Not so, responded Ian Brodie, Stephen Harper’s former chief of staff : “I’m pretty sure the guy who moves them is the one who really runs the country.”