
How Markets Help Minorities: The Example of Daycare

Recently, the government of Quebec announced a ban on religious instruction in publicly subsidized daycare centres.  Couple quick thoughts:

1. The practical consequence of this decision is that it will be difficult for parents who value religious instruction as part of their toddler’s childcare experience to find arrangements that suit that preference.

2. Heavy-handed government intervention and regulation inevitably squeezes the vibrancy and diversity out of the childcare sector, resulting in an inflexible one-size-fits-all approach. Canada  is a diverse, multicultural society and parents disagree about what constitutes a positive childcare experience.  Although many parents doubtlessly prefer a secular experience for their toddler, there are others who view religious instruction as among the most important purposes of early childhood education.

Tearing Apart the British Welfare State: Tories Impose Jobs on the ‘Workshy’

“In a huge and risky experiment sure to be watched closely by other countries wrestling with public debt, government budget deficits and shrinking work forces, Prime Minister David Cameron’s government Thursday announced sweeping plans to change the lives of 5 million people dependent on government payments in an effort to push hundreds of thousands of people into the work force.”

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Saint Bob and Digging Another Hole to Nowhere

Saint Bob’s latest campaign to save Africa is an irresistible appeal to Western pity, sympathy and guilt. It is also more arrogant than those fantasies of any old-time colonial administrator or missionary. It assumes that if only “we” put our minds to it, “we” can “save” “them.” The fact that we have been trying to do this for 60 years, without success, does not deter him. His solution is to do even more of it. If you doubt the wisdom of this, you are unspeakably callous