Property Rights

Influential economist dies at age 102

A Nobel prize-winning economist who clarified the role of property rights and transaction costs in the economy has died. Ronald Coase, the winner of the Nobel Prize in economics in 1991, has died. He was 102 years old. Coase is known for his pioneering the idea that...

Rethinking Marijuana Prohibition

After police chiefs across Canada last week passed a resolution to dedicate additional resources to officers pursuing individuals in possession of marijuana, I was left wondering one thing: Why do Canada’s police chiefs refuse to support the legalization of pot? The...

Property rights still in jeopardy at border

A Saskatchewan couple is still discovering that property rights are precarious when it comes to the Canada-United States border. A saga pitting a Saskatchewan couple against a federal agency may soon be coming to a sad conclusion. Edwin and Alison Morris were informed...

Featured News

The Man who Saved the Plains Indians

At the time of Confederation, Canada’s Plains Indians were in a desperate situation. The same European-introduced guns and horses that resulted in a briefly glorious golden age for them had also resulted in constant inter-tribal warfare and the rapid disappearance of...

Debate needed on property rights

JOSEPH QUESNEL, For the Winnipeg Sun

The Manitoba government’s attempt to seize the home of an accused sex predator is raising eyebrows in many quarters.

The civil suit states the home was instrumental in allowing the sexual abuse of a preteen girl.

What is interesting from a legal standpoint is Manitoba’s Criminal Property Forfeiture Act is mainly used to seize property involved in drug houses, grow-op operations, and the cars drug dealers use.

It is arguable seizing property of a sex predator is a step up from seizing property used in drug activities. In the case of the predator, they are harming someone tangibly.

People choose to come and buy drugs. Yes, many are addicted to hard drugs, but there is the choice to seek help and break the addiction.

Robert Nault, Former Minister of Indian Affairs

Robert Nault, Former Minister of Indian Affairs

“That’s where I think the Frontier Centre for Public Policy really does make a big difference. You guys are out there saying go ahead and do it, here’s what you need to do and here’s why it’s important. I think more and more leaders are seeing what happens when you do do that. There are enough examples now of successful First Nations that you can’t say it’s not possible or they’re not capable. I think the next step is for people to grab on to it in a larger way and move quicker because they’re missing a lot of great opportunities and we’re missing a whole generation if we don’t move faster than we are now.”

Dr. Tom Flanagan, Professor of Political Science, University of Calgary and Co-Author of Beyond the Indian Act: Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights

Dr. Tom Flanagan, Professor of Political Science, University of Calgary and Co-Author of Beyond the Indian Act: Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights

Conversation with the co-author of Beyond the Indian Act: Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights which proposes a legislation to make it possible for First Nations, on a voluntary basis, to take collective ownership of their land reserves and also to create ownership in fee simple for individuals.

Province Grinds Down Honest Family

“Governments must be restrained from dedicating public money and power to crush their citizens. The Charter fetters police powers and legislation, but what impedes government from applying its unlimited resources to harass us into poverty in civil court?”