Public Sector

Exercise Your Right To Know

Manitoba’s Ombudsman is celebrating national Right to Know week (September 23 to 28), asserting our individual and democratic right to access government-held information and promoting open, accessible and transparent government. The Ombudsman notes that access to...

More Government Pocket Picking

Following closely on the heels of a media report of the dangerous driving behaviour of many motorists in school zones, the Minister Responsible for MPI, Andrew Swan, rushed out today with an announcement that MPI premiums are to pay...

Manitoba’s PST increase is for?

“Bad news all at once; good news over time.” That was the advice Niccolo Machivalli had for the eponymous Prince in his most famous work. This maxim has clearly not been lost on Manitoba's provincial government. Their recent decision to circumvent the requirement for...

Featured News

How We Teach Reading Really Does Matter

Reading is the most important skill taught in school. If students don’t learn how to read, not much else that happens there is going to matter. That’s because being able to read is important in virtually every job. Without the ability to read, life itself will be a...

Union On Express Bus To Self-Destruction

In the midst of what is, at least for anyone under the age of 75, the most serious global economic crisis ever experienced, one would think that unionized public sector workers should understand that now is not the time to demand more. Yet, secure in the knowledge that monopoly government employers don’t go bankrupt, no matter how high their costs or how poor their customer service, union leaders callously fight to extract more from beleaguered taxpayers.

A Window on Two Policy Models

Mad scientists could not have designed it if they tried. Over the past decade, telecommunications privatization has played out in a continent-sized laboratory. In the middle of North America, two almost identical companies in the almost identical markets of Manitoba...