
Ontario Politicians Finally Having a Mature Discussion About Alcohol

Ontario has long had a puritanical streak that vexes observers. This is most evident in the way that the provincial government treats alcohol. The province still has a government run liquor monopoly — the Liquor Control Board of Ontario — which was set up to transition the province out of prohibition, and grants the Molson-Labatt owned Beer Store a virtual monopoly over beer. The drinking age remains 19, high by international standards, and the 2am last call remains in place (believe it or not, it was 1am until Mike Harris’ government). While the latter may seem normal by North Ameican standards, it seems odd that a major world city such as Toronto has to tell it’s adult residents and tourists to kindly go to bed at 2am. If the above hasn’t convinced you that Ontario politicians have a puritanical attitude towards liquor, consider this: happy hour is illegal in Ontario.

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CRTC Powerless To Regulate Internet

The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission, has carved out a contentious niche for itself as the protector of Canadian culture. It is now turning its attention to the Internet. An attempt to impose such controls on the Internet has a zero chance of success.