Role of Government

Sometimes We Need to Oppose the Un-Opposable

It’s hard to oppose dedicating money to good causes. However, those are clearly issues of provincial and municipal responsibility. There is good reason for that: they are better positioned to solve local problems than the federal government. As tough as it is to criticize the federal government for spending money on worthwhile causes, it has to be done.

Featured News

Australia Rising

Speaking last week to the Queensland Media Club, Australian prime minister John Howard described the sort of world Australians would be living in a decade from now, and his vision of “an Australia rising to new heights” to meet its challenges. In a speech full of...

Followers or Leaders

Our leaders have long been enthusiastic promoters of New Zealand as a leader in world opinion. But they normally refer to political opinion. We may well be trend-setters in giving the vote to women, cradle to grave welfare, and even in rejecting nuclear weapons, but...