
Recently a long died and largely unlamented tax has been rediscovered with some new-ish fans who never really repudiated their great love for it. It is the Death Tax, or Estate Tax, which was abolished in Canada in 1971 by a Liberal government when a capital gains tax...

Are you optimistic about new tax revenue from the marijuana industry? For years, marijuana advocates have been telling us that if we legalize and tax cannabis products, floods of new revenue will flow into government coffers and the budget will balance itself....

Featured News

Cigarette-smuggling: The urge to smurf

THE busy interstate highway that zips through Richmond, Virginia, and up to the crowded cities of the north-east has long been a conduit for handguns bought wholesale in Virginia and sold to drug-dealers in New York. Now I-95 is siphoning northwards another form of contraband: black-market cigarettes.

Treasury Yields Forecast a US Future: Similar to Japan’s present, but Spain’s is more likely

This backgrounder offers an analysis of recent conditions in interest rates and bond markets among industrial states. Notwithstanding the United States’ current economic woes, the paper concludes that while it is positively the best major market in comparison to almost all others, it risks of drifting into Spain-like conditions without an active set of policies to redress its debt burden.

A Radical Exit From Global Financial Crisis

The most remarkable feature of the global financial crisis is its sheer duration. For five years now, developed economies have been in trouble – much longer than ‘ordinary’ recessions usually last. This is despite bountiful attempts to return the world’s industrialised economies to their previous steady growth path.

The Man Who Saved Capitalism: Milton Friedman, who would have turned 100 on Tuesday, helped to make free markets popular again in the 20th century. His ideas are even more important today.

It’s a tragedy that Milton Friedman—born 100 years ago on July 31—did not live long enough to combat the big-government ideas that have formed the core of Obamanomics. It’s perhaps more tragic that our current president, who attended the University of Chicago where Friedman taught for decades, never fell under the influence of the world’s greatest champion of the free market. Imagine how much better things would have turned out, for Mr. Obama and the country.

Why Capitalism Has an Image Problem: Charles Murray examines the cloud now hanging over American business—and what today’s capitalists can do about it.

Mitt Romney’s résumé at Bain should be a slam dunk. He has been a successful capitalist, and capitalism is the best thing that has ever happened to the material condition of the human race. From the dawn of history until the 18th century, every society in the world was impoverished, with only the thinnest film of wealth on top. Then came capitalism and the Industrial Revolution. Everywhere that capitalism subsequently took hold, national wealth began to increase and poverty began to fall. Everywhere that capitalism didn’t take hold, people remained impoverished. Everywhere that capitalism has been rejected since then, poverty has increased.

Speak Out Against Ridiculous Tax Hike

The amount of money you have for groceries, your mortgage payment and putting clothes on your kids is under attack. Again. The Manitoba Federation of Labour and the Manitoba Business Council (represents many CEOs of the largest businesses in Manitoba) want you to pay an 8% sales tax on everything you buy instead of the current rate of seven.