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Why University?

In this essay, I explain that young people should come to university to be educated, and not to become credentialed; the public should support universities because universities educate young people, not because they produce credentialled workers.   Why should a...

Big Business Wants Higher Sales Taxes

....the Business Council of Manitoba asks the city to pursue a one-point increase in Manitoba's seven per cent provincial sales tax to raise additional revenue for infrastructure. It also urged the province to hold a referendum to make that possible. The business...

Reaganomics: What We Learned: From December 1982 to June 1990, Reaganomics created over 21 million jobs. The right policies can do it again

For 16 years prior to Ronald Reagan’s presidency, the U.S. economy was in a tailspin—a result of bipartisan ignorance that resulted in tax increases, dollar devaluations, wage and price controls, minimum-wage hikes, misguided spending, pandering to unions, protectionist measures and other policy mistakes.

Watchdogs or Poodles? (Part 6 of 8): Independent Agencies in the Supplicant Society

There is a conflict of interest when a government must decide if it will call an inquiry into its own conduct. The solution is to introduce a major role for an independent official. That person would be a preliminary investigator examining the need for an inquiry, considering carefully its scope and the protections to be given to those under scrutiny, and would make a decision or a public recommendation to the government of the day.

Greece’s Cosseted Classes Fight Red Tape Reform

After a year full of strikes protesting reforms and budget cuts, Greece is bracing for more unrest. The Socialist government’s efforts to liberalize the country’s hidebound service industries is threatening to provoke a storm of protests from groups ranging from taxi drivers to bakers.

Accountability Framework: Have we arrived there yet?

A few weeks ago I made reference to the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. It has come up with a national Municipality Transparency Index. Saint John was rated last on a list of 133 cities. Armed with awareness I decided to spend a bit of time digging through the City of Saint John’s website in an effort to become more enlightened.