
Businesses Don’t Pay Taxes

Repeat after me everyone: "Businesses don't pay taxes, people do." I wrote last week about companies using tax avoidance (not evasion) to reduce their tax bill. One of those companies, Starbucks, has announced that due to public pressure (and to protect their image),...

Why is the Government Cancelling Winter?

The federal government appears dead set on cancelling winter. Parks Canada’s decision to cut funding for the grooming of cross-country ski trails in Prince Albert, Riding Mountain and Elk Island national parks garnered little national attention. It is too easy to dismiss this as an inevitable consequence of government budget reductions. If each budget decision speaks clearly about national priorities the message is that winter does not matter much to the government and, perhaps, to Canadians.

Featured News

Ottawa Overstimulates The Civil Service

“So who benefited most from Ottawa’s billions in stimulus spending over the past two years? Construction workers? Undoubtedly. Lots of public works projects have moved forward that otherwise may not have begun for many more years. And autoworkers? Indisputably. Without taxpayer bailouts, tens of thousands of auto and parts workers would have been out of jobs. Yet beyond these two sectors, there is little chance the billions poured down the drain had much impact on other sectors, especially small businesses.”

Avoiding the EI Tax-Hike Hammer

“Imagine your neighbour hits you in the head with a hammer, and then says you should be elated that he hit you only once because originally he had planned to hit you three times. This is the kind of argument Finance Minister Flaherty is using to sell his Employment Insurance (EI) tax hike planned for January 1st next year.”

Political Reversal Down Under: Running an explicitly conservative campaign, Australia’s Tony Abbott has denied Labor a governing majority.

As it turns out, Australians—who are, after all, much like Americans, proudly democratic, entrepreneurial and of immigrant stock—warmed to Mr. Abbott’s old-school conservatism, along with his blokey, down-to-Earth persona. It’s a lesson to which conservatives in America (Republican, tea party, or otherwise) should pay close attention.