
Are Baggage Fees Here to Stay?

Last week, WestJet announced that it will begin charging a $25 to $29.50 fee for the first piece of checked luggage on some domestic flights. Days later, Air Canada announced matching fees. WestJet defended its move claiming that about a quarter of its passengers do...

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Road Safety

There are times where traffic cameras have merit.,0,4422915.story The bicyclist was zipping south on Castro Street at the end of his twice-weekly ride to the Marin Headlands, blowing through red lights and stop...

Time For a New Approach to Northern Busing

Ontario Northlands has provided inter-city bus service in Northern Ontario at a staggering loss. The Ontario government has now decided to divest of the struggling service. Bur rather than simply selling it off, the government should look to a new model that can introduce competition to Northern inter-city busing.

Media Release – Traffic Congestion Hurts Productivity: A National Transit Strategy Could Make Matters Worse

Gridlock costs Canadian cities billions of dollars in productivity. It also costs commuters both time and money. Many transit advocates believe that a national transit strategy will help increase mobility, and reduce gridlock. But Cox argues that rather than increasing mobility, a national transit strategy could make things worse.