
Labour Laws Are Hampering Young People

Labour laws are meant to protect workers from exploitation and to ensure their safety, but closer examination shows that when it comes to teenagers, the laws are not always doing people a favour. Age restrictions for workers vary from province to province. In 2008,...

The Employment Insurance ripoff

Source: Gregory Thomas, National Post, 20 November 2013 If Stephen Harper really wants to help working Canadians and their families, he needs to scrap the pork-barrelling Employment Insurance (EI) system designed by Pierre Trudeau, and give Canadians back their own...

Job Training is Best Left to the Provinces

The federal government has decided to withdraw funding for provincial job programs. While downloading funding responsibility to the provinces makes sense, since they are better able to administer such local initiatives, the federal government needs to free up tax revenue for the provinces to fund these programs.

Featured News

The Fall of the Midwest Economic Model: In 1970, the future seemed to belong to Michigan’s example of big companies and big unions. Not anymore.

President Obama has kicked off a three-day bus tour of Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois, where the corn is high and at least some factories are spewing smoke. He’s holding town-hall meetings on the economy, putting the unemployed back to work and “growing wages for everyone.” He won these Midwestern states handily in 2008, but he’s not taking anything for granted these days. The Midwest is the region with the largest number of target states.

Canada’s Contract Killer

In Canada, 15 per cent of the workforce is self-employed. Australia's rate is 18.5 per cent. Recently I proposed the idea that there's a distinct link between self-employment and entrepreneurial innovation. Self-employed people are, by behaviour and motivation,...

Free the Post

Attempts to reconcile tensions between the Canadian Union of Postal Workers and Canada Post are taking place in Ottawa today. Negotiations are ongoing and a compromise seems long overdue. According to a recent Toronto Star article, back-to-work legislation is in the...