
Covid-19: an Update on Defending Freedom in the Courts

Covid-19: an Update on Defending Freedom in the Courts

Canadian governments responded to the Covid-19 virus by aggressively withdrawing the rights and freedoms of Canadians. The imposition of lockdowns including the closing of many businesses, schools, places of worship, and vaccine mandates were just some of the many actions that governments believed were justified in response to the pandemic.

A Vision for Canada

A Vision for Canada

As Canada begins 2023, our nation remains one of the most prosperous in the world. Canada is endowed with unmatched geography, resources and people. Yet, our nation faces many profound and urgent policy choices that will determine whether Canada’s future stays bright.

Featured News

Leaders on the Frontier – A Primer on Classical Liberalism for Today

Background Classical liberalism is one of the most important political and social philosophies, one which promotes peaceful cooperation, individual freedom, and limited government. This set of remarkable ideas was foundational to Canada and indeed, the modern world. ...

Lunch on the Frontier – November 9 2022 with Hon. Grant Devine

Transforming Saskatchewan – Bold Private Sector Driven Success The April 1982 Saskatchewan election proved to be a major turning point in the province's history. Over its nine years in office, the Devine government commenced and completed numerous policy initiatives...