Results for "Clifton"

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Costs Soaring in Canada’s Schools

A new study jointly published today by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy and the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies shows that per-pupil education costs are soaring all across Canada. As taxpayers shoulder an ever-increasing burden, there is little evidence...

In the Heart of Edu-Babble

Today the Frontier Centre released In the Heart of Edu-Babble. Anyone who wants to become a teacher in Canada must earn a bachelor of education degree from an education faculty. Their guaranteed clientele gives education faculties an incredible amount of influence...

Manitoba’s Bill 18 Fails the Test of Good Legislation

Bullying is deeply hurtful to students and destructive to the culture of schools. In the past, bullying was often dismissed as a minor issue, but today school officials and the general public take it much more seriously. Several provinces, including Manitoba, have decided to redress school bullying with legislation. But, to be effective, the legislation must satisfy two fundamental criteria: it must define bullying accurately, and it must respect existing rights and freedoms.

Frontier Centre Analysis on Higher Education Policy Issues

Protests in Quebec over planned tuition increases during the past academic year have sparked a considerable amount of debate over the current state of post-secondary education in Canada. Frontier Centre analysts have been active participants in this debate, and the Frontier Centre has become one of the country’s leading sources of public policy analysis on issues related to tuition fees and other issues surrounding higher education.