Results for "advantages of democracy"

Sacrificing Success on the ‘Altar of Equity’

Sacrificing Success on the ‘Altar of Equity’

Somewhere around the mid-1960s the conventional conservative model of the English grammar school was finally over-turned by a new-age, liberal-progressive intellectual alliance of “progressive educators.” This shift of power and influence to the left led to changes in...

Society in a Vise

Society in a Vise

Society constantly changes. And with change arise risks and opportunities. How we respond is an expression of our values regarding individual and human rights, freedom, and liberty. The expressions of these values arise from our conceptions of justice—what is right,...

Toxic Feminism

Toxic Feminism

Feminism began as a challenge to male domination and female subordination. It could have become a champion of equality and the dignity of individual human beings. Unfortunately, contemporary feminism is not a liberation from sexism. It is true that feminism rejects...

Featured News

Should Minorities Rule?

Should Minorities Rule?

In today’s colleges and universities, “progressive stacking” is recommended as a constructive way to deal with diversity among students. The professor sorts out students according to categories, using intersectional criteria of suffering and victimhood. In this...

(Government) Workers of the World Unite!: Public-sector unions have had a good few decades. Has their luck run out?

“The past 30 years have been dismal ones for the labour movement. In the American private sector trade-union density (ie, the proportion of workers who belong to unions) has fallen from a third in 1979 to just 7% today. In Britain it has dropped from 44% to 15%. Nor is this just an Anglo-Saxon oddity: less than a fifth of workers in the OECD belong to unions.”

Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen, Geomorphologist

Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen, Geomorphologist

Left leaning climate change agnostic and editor of the Energy and Environment journal, Dr. Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen was a conference attendee at the Heartland Institute’s 4th International Climate Change Conference held in Chicago May 16-18th, 2010. The Frontier Centre was one of 64 international co-sponsors of this event which profiled the work of 73 scientists, economists and policy experts from 23 countries.

Offended by the Truth

There is little diversity within indigenous nationalism. You must accept the traditional conception presented by elites or you are kicked off the island. The reality is all cultures change, including First Nations. It is Sitting Bull who said, “When you find anything good in the white man’s road, pick it up. When you find something bad, leave it alone.”