Results for "woke"

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Woke Cancel Culture Targets Champlain

Woke Cancel Culture Targets Champlain

Cancel culture has come calling again and another Canadian hero finds his reputation in peril from attacks by ultra-woke public employees. This time it is Samuel de Champlain (1567-1635), whom readers may remember from their high school history lessons as a French...

Lists To Make the Woke Broke

Lists To Make the Woke Broke

Do you want to place your money and vote away from the woke? The tools to help you choose have finally arrived. The 1792 Exchange examined 2000 corporations for their “wokeness.” The public policy non-profit’s website defines “woke” corporations as those that “use...

New Zealand’s Rejection of Woke

New Zealand’s Rejection of Woke

‘Oppositions don’t win elections, governments lose them’ has long been conventional Westminster wisdom. What is remarkable about Labour’s election defeat is how significantly they lost. It was an historic turnaround from 50 percent support at the 2020 election to just...