From Scotland to New Zealand to Canada, politicians are on a collision course with the public.
Freedom Protests In Canada During COVID Lockdowns
National Citizens Inquiry
The Deadly Fruits Of Climate Change Alarmism
The Looming Eco-Extremist Threat And Why We Must Stop Ignoring It
Canadian Politicians Urged to Confront Growing Threat of Eco-Terrorism
WINNIPEG, March 19, 2024 – A new study has issued a compelling call to Canadian politicians and policymakers to address the escalating danger posed by eco-terrorism within the country. The report, titled "Confronting Eco-Terrorism: A Wake-Up Call for Canada,"...
Featured News
Canadian Property Rights Index 2023
A Snapshot of Property Rights Protection in Canada After 10 years
Alberta Politics and Empty Promises of Health-care Solutions
The writ has been dropped and Albertans are off to the polls on May 29. That leaves just four weeks for political leaders and voters to sort out what is arguably the most divisive, yet significant, issue for this election - health care. On Day 2, NDP leader Rachel...
Why the Right is Eating the Left’s Lunch
Progressives have abandoned the working class and embraced the oligarchs.
The Left Loses Badly Down Under
New Zealand’s high-tax, pro-lockdown party is smashed at the polls.
Can Country Music Help Renew The Spirit Of America?
The intersection of music and politics has been one of the most striking features of modern culture. Almost all of the nation-building movements that swept through the West after the American and French revolutions owe some of their energy to the emotional appeal of...
No, Trump Is Not Planning To Be A Dictator
The headline in the New York Times seems terrifying. “Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025.” The article explains that they “are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to...
Leaders on the Frontier: Sir Roger Douglas
What can Canada learn from New Zealand?
The Collapse of the Progressive Economy
The future belongs to blue-collar workers In recent decades, progressive politics has been underwritten by the ascendant economic titans of capital, technology, and communication. Big Tech and financial firms have long financed Democratic causes, led by those...
Timeless Wisdom – The Politics of Successful Structural Reform
It’s a well-known pattern in public policy – profligate politicians damaging their economies with out-of-control spending, massive borrowing and higher taxes – inevitably leading to fiscal crisis, sharp declines in growth and ultimately rapidly falling currency value...
Preston Manning: Canada’s Economic Future
The following is a condensed version of a speech given by Preston Manning at a Frontier Centre for Public Policy event in Winnipeg on Sept. 22, 2022. Watch the video here. What are Canada’s strengths? We don’t have the largest population. We don’t have the largest...
57 Policy Proposals for Future Leaders to Help Make the Canadian Economy Soar
Executive Summary The various federal political parties are all promoting the policy agendas they believe will foster a sustainably high quality of life for all Canadians. It remains to be seen whether they will attain the success that they aim to achieve. In some...