Year: 2004

Pork Barrel Protectionism Report

Policy paper 24 explores why recent hog tariffs imposed by the United States are about protectionism and explains why Canada should aggressively pursue the case under free trade rules, and work to eliminate the possibility of such nuisance actions in all export commodities.

Law of the Labour Back Benches

Some say “modernisation” is an empty term. It is not. It means creating left-of-centre policies that allow more effective responses to the changes transforming contemporary societies. The Nordic social democrats, and new Labour in Britain, have been in the vanguard of such modernisation.

Featured News

Ontarians to pay $1B for hydro meters

A new smart-meter initiative will make Ontario the first North American jurisdiction to record residential power consumption data on an hourly basis; critics argue the meters will allow the government to blame higher electricity bills on consumers who do not conserve aggressively.

Try Smarter Policing Instead

Frontier’s 2004 police charticle again shows Winnipeg with the second highest police per capita in Canada. Instead of increasing police numbers, Winnipeg needs to make smarter use of its plentiful police resources.