Year: 2005

Featured News

So Who Controls Liquor Trade?

Who controls the liquor trade? The answer is still uncertain. If the government is the employer, and the industry or service is either protected or a monopoly, then look out: Union militants will extort every available dollar and every available protection for their workers.

45 Million Myths

We hear constantly that 45 million Americans have no health insurance, that public health care spending is inadequate and that the U.S. system is characterized by unbridled capitalism. These perceptions, however, are urban myths

Klein Crowd on a Spending Spree

In 1996-97 –the low point of the Klein-era cuts — the provincial government spent $12.7 billion on program expenses (all government activities, except debt servicing). In 2005-06, the CTF reminded, “spending on overnment programs in Alberta will be $25.5 billion — an increase of 100 per cent.”

Up or Out?

Growth managers may have good intentions, but do much real harm. Regions facing rapid growth should insure that growth pays for itself through a combination of user fees and fair taxes, but they should not try to control where or how that growth should take place