Year: 2006

Featured News

Selling Wheat the Soviet Way

Last week, federal Minister of Agriculture Chuck Strahl suggested momentum was growing among farmers for an end to the Canadian Wheat Board's monopoly over Prairie grain sales. Since 1943, all wheat and barley farmers in the three Prairie provinces and northeastern...

Freeing the Farmers

If you've never heard the old folk tale about the Wild Hogs of Horseshoe Bend, just get Rolf Penner started on farming subsidies. The hog and grain producer from Morris, Man., loves to tell the story of how a clever farmer was able to pen a group of feral pigs by...

Big Transit rides again

Two Fridays ago the folks responsible for the Pittsburgh region's collection of mass transit boondoggles and inadequate highways uncorked another mega transportation/planning study. Ignored and unread by the tax-paying masses, as these dangerous things always are,...

Nothing for the Money

On Thursday, May 11th, AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley spoke to the Empire Club of Canada in Toronto. His topic – equalization. His message – both Ontario and the Maritimes suffer from decades of federal equalization transfers.