Year: 2007

Followers or Leaders

Our leaders have long been enthusiastic promoters of New Zealand as a leader in world opinion. But they normally refer to political opinion. We may well be trend-setters in giving the vote to women, cradle to grave welfare, and even in rejecting nuclear weapons, but...

Lower Rural Prices a Benefit

Did I read this article correctly? Does it really take 7 years of median income to pay for a median house in these markets? If one takes the CMHC affordability measure of 30% of total income devoted to housing as being an “affordable” budget, then it would take this...

Featured News

Foreign Influence in Canadian Economy?

Foreign influence or interference has become a mediatic topic. The fear and suspicion of interference in the elections and democratic process have been in news headlines. For the western countries, the suspicion bears on Russia and China. Revisionist powers have a...