Year: 2008

Ethanol Producers’ Unworthy Heyday Finally Over

The good news is that no amount of subsidies can disguise the fact ethanol is the wrong fuel at the wrong time. There may be good biofuels; corn-based ethanol is not one of them. Some clean fuels and technologies are worthy of taxpayer funding, but not the one that raises food prices and has no proven environmental advantage.

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Gaddafi ‘to hand out oil money’

“The money that we put in the education budget, I say let the Libyans take it,” Col Gaddafi said in a 100-minute televised speech to the General People’s Congress, Libya’s equivalent of a parliament.

“Put it in your pockets and teach your kids as you wish, you take responsibility.”

Unions Should Not Play Politics

While labour groups are correct to point out that management should not tell employees how to vote, they should recognize that they themselves are very partisan and should not be using members fees to support political causes.